Employee Meetings

Businesses are often seeking speakers for their employee meetings — large or small. 

David Burrier emphasizes the unique contribution of each employee through affirmation and validation. The outcome? Synergy resulting in “the whole becoming stronger than the sum of its parts.” 

Use the form below to schedule David to speak at your company’s event.

Corporate Events

Corporations who are seeking a keynote speaker for their regional or national conferences or conventions may want to consider David Burrier.

David builds on the mission of the organization and the unique contribution of each employee through affirmation and validation with the goal of creating synergy resulting in “the whole becoming stronger than the sum of its parts.”

Use the form below to schedule David to speak at your organization’s event.

Schedule your own event!

Tell us about your event

In order to schedule an event, we need to know about you and your event! Using the “About your event” field of the form, please share a bit about your group or organization: your name, a brief description and your mission.

Please also include any available information about the event, such as the type of event and its goals, estimated number of participants and the proposed date, time, location, venue and length of the event.